Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WOW.....and I thought I was smart!!

Hopefully it will be kids like this that will save our planet or get us into the stars properly. (if society doesn't ruin him/them first) Watch and listen to this kid. Something else for sure.

Monday, March 28, 2011

At this point....

Life is crazy. I'm beginning to think I see a pattern. My life is always crazy. It is a huge mess of kids, wife, events, work, trying to train.....let's not forget bills, sleep (when possible) and juggleing all these without turining into an idiot. We had a great wedding this weekend. Laura and Tom got married and we were overjoyed to be able to share their day with them. Alex went to Harvard and raced his events and relays with his team. Solid, albeit not record setting day. (I think he blew his gas qualifing and he just couldn't get 'up' to do the then necessary training, eating and sleeping to excel yet again. Hey, 13 is Running is going well.....biking is also going! But I now recognize that this atitude may be part of the issue. I invested in SwimSmooth "Arnie" program as to help get my issues related to my poor form corrected. I'm taking a slow deliberate approach to this correction. If and when I ever have another race season after this year, I'm gonna feel confident in the water if not Olympic. Race this weekend. May be rainy. I hope not or it will be a slogging 9+ mile run.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

No long run today

Rain in the North East today....long and steady. Although it meant I didn't get in my long un today, tomorrow being my rest day I can move it forward. Present hopes are to run early before work. 12 miles.....ugh, It's gonna suck at approximately Cold, Dark and Too F'in Early O'clock in the morning.

Closing in on final purchase of the Power meter! Very excited about this. NOW I get to see whats what with the biking in a total and complete format. Heart rate AND POWER. No better measurements are available.

Off to shop for those healthy recovery foods. I'll need em after tomorrow. (Yeah, I'm whining already)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Build Week/Month almost done

My word!....Did I ASK for this training? 2nd build month is almost done. Everything going well save the swim which I seem to somehow 'find' it is the most inconvenient to get done. (flogs himself for being a wimp!) I'm on it tonight thought whether I want to or not.

Runs that are interval are just plain hard. 10 x 60" hard followed by 60" rest. Thank all that's holy it isn't descending rest or some such crap. I run an interval at 5'16" to 5'30" pace per mile. After a few of these I'm looking at my watch and saying there is NO DAMN WAY(!!) that that could have been 60 seconds rest. Throw in 1' 30" hill repeats as fast as you can go on another day.....which ain't very damn fast may I add, steep hill, and I'm just a broken 44 year old guy that needs a nap after.

12 mile run good hill and the rest rolling. Coach wants me to try and maintain 7' 45" pace per mile. Last time I did this course it was faster then that but it was a race. We shall see whats happened in 6 years and it now not being a race. Enough of me whining about hard training.

Alex is all set for the Harvard Champs meet come the end of the Month. Yet ANOTHER opportunity for his Dad to live vicariously through his son.....'cuz after all, why the hell did we even have kids if not to live OUR dreams through while pressuring them into all SORTS of things, situations, tasks and responsibilities we , now, as adults find to be truly important. I mean come on, isn't there some rule that this MUST happen? Just kidding folks. Alex is excited and he has one more shot at qualifying in the 100 meter Breast stroke next weekend. His mother is in a wedding that weekend so it seems it will be another male bonding weekend. Fun times and Boston is WAY more fun than White River Junction Vt. No offense to those in White River but ....just saying. I'll post up some results at some point.